ACD Environmental is proud to announce that we are now a Registered Practice with the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM).
CIEEM is the primary professional membership body representing ecologists and environmental managers in the UK.
According to CIEEM, Registered Practices are:
“…champions of high professional standards and the delivery of the best outcomes for biodiversity whilst supporting a thriving economy. They are ambassadors for our profession, helping to raise its profile and to communicate its valuable contribution to society. Registered Practices actively seek to share their knowledge and expertise and support others, both individuals and organisations, to do their bit for our natural world…
We expect Registered Practices to be at the forefront of our profession over the coming years. They are leaders, not only exemplifying high standards but also working with us to help develop and shape them as we adapt to future challenges…
Registered Practice status will also give your clients, prospective clients, partners, employees and the wider public confidence in your commitment, your collective competence and your own high standards. It is a benchmark of quality…”
As a Registered Practice, we are required to fully adhere to CIEEM’s Code of Practice for Registered Practices to ensure the highest standards.
ACD Environmental’s core values include delivering high-quality technical reports, providing exemplary professional advice, and being pragmatic and solution-focused. The multi-disciplinary consultancy also includes arboriculture, landscape architecture and archaeology. Please feel free to get in touch to discuss any projects that you may have and we will be happy to advise.