Archaeology and Heritage
ACD Archaeology has provided and managed the completion of specialist advice on small to large-scale residential, retail and mixed use developments throughout the United Kingdom. More recently, experience has diversified to include a greater number of historic building and landscape enhancement projects.
Archaeology and Heritage
Project experience has involved assessment of both archaeological and other heritage assets informed by desk based research and fieldwork. The work is underpinned by Ben’s academic background which includes both archaeological and historic building qualifications. Negotiation with local and national advisors has secured planning permission and the subsequent discharge of conditions. Where necessary, scheduled monument and listed building consents have been secured.
We provide the following services:
- Desk based archaeology/heritage assessment
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Design & Access Statement input
- Heritage Statements/Statements of Significance
- Historic building appraisal, assessment & building recording
- Walkover surveys
- Research including map regression and analysis of aerial photographs
- Negotiation with heritage advisors, including planning archaeologists, conservation and English Heritage officers
- Management of archaeological evaluation and mitigation including fieldwalking, geophysical survey, trial trenching, watching briefs, building recording and full excavation
- Scheduled monument and listed building consent applications & justifications
- Involvement at public consultations/stakeholder events
- Expert witness appearances, proofs of evidence and written statements
- Conservation/management plan formulation and input to parkland plans
Please contact our Head Office on 01666 825646 to discuss your requirements.