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2 May 2024

A day in the life of an ecologist: Reptile surveying

2024-05-02T14:18:47+01:002 May 2024|

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It is a legal requirement that all native reptile species in the United Kingdom are protected. At ACD Environmental, we take this responsibility seriously and conduct thorough land surveys to identify the presence of reptiles. This information is essential […..]

29 April 2024

National Garden Month

2024-04-29T13:25:49+01:0029 April 2024|

The ACD Garden at the Malmesbury office

April has been National Garden Month and here at ACD we’ve been reflecting on our own gardens and what makes these special to us.

  • ‘A place to de-stress.’
  • ‘I enjoy seeing the new growth in spring, seeing everything coming to life’.
  • ‘I […..]
22 April 2024

Earth Day 2024

2024-04-22T12:59:38+01:0022 April 2024|

Happy Earth Day!

Earth Day is a global event to highlight the importance of protecting the environment. Created in 1970 by Gaylord Nelson, a US senator and environmentalist, and Denis Hayes, a graduate student at Harvard University. This followed an environmental disaster that resulted in a large oil spill in […..]

18 April 2024

National Heritage Day

2024-04-18T09:22:34+01:0018 April 2024|

An image captured by our Archaeology department of WW2 pillboxes, a non-standard design protecting a river crossing and for a small field gun. It was clearly designed to look like a farm building from the air and has vestiges of the original camouflage.

Amy at Machu Picchu in Peru, […..]

16 October 2023

Jai’s Little Green Space

2023-10-16T13:14:47+01:0016 October 2023|

Since Jai left home to study Environmental Conservation at Bournemouth University, he has become even more fascinated by the environment. After being accepted at university he discovered that his college, although affiliated to Bournemouth University, was based in rural Somerset. Quickly he realised this wasn’t going to be studying […..]

6 June 2023

The problem with Oaks

2023-07-12T14:09:53+01:006 June 2023|

The problem with oak trees is that they are just too good! Oak trees are the largest native broadleaf tree in the country and undoubtedly provide the greatest level of ecological, arboricultural, and landscape value. Therefore, they are often the first tree we want to introduce into a new […..]

26 May 2023

Water Safety Course

2023-07-19T14:52:23+01:0026 May 2023|

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As part of our work as ecologists here at ACD Environmental, we are required on some sites to work in/close to water when surveying for particular species such as great crested newt, otter, and water vole and for surveying […..]

19 May 2023

World Bee Day 2023

2023-07-19T15:05:13+01:0019 May 2023|

Double click video for full screen view.

It’s that time of year again when we’re encouraged to leave our lawns to grow a little longer. Especially if you have a healthy population of wildflowers coming through such as dandelions, daisies, and buttercups, if you leave […..]

16 May 2023

Water Safety Course

2023-07-12T13:34:47+01:0016 May 2023|

As part of our work as ecologists here at ACD Environmental, we are required to work in/close to the water on some sites.

As such, some of our team recently completed a course related to water safety, specifically the DEFRA Level 2 Water & Flood First Responder course, which Bristol Maritime […..]

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